Idź do treści strony


Perugia (ancient Perusia), with the population of ca. 146,700 people, is the capital of the province bearing the same name and of Umbria, the region in the mid-Italy. The city is located between Lake Trasimeno and the River Tiber.

About cooperation:

The Olsztyn Starosty, on the initiative of Perugia Province, suggested establishing town twinning agreement with the city of Olsztyn, the starosties of Lidzbark and Braniewo and the city of Perugia. The role of Olsztyn as administrative capital of voivodship, the seat of the urban poviat and poviat starosty, is especially important due to historic, scientific and economic similarities shared with the city of Perugia – the capital of the province and university centre.
• The contacts of Olsztyn with the city and province of Perugia were initiated by the Association of Warmian-Mazurian Communes, with Olsztyn as its member, and date back to the year 2000. Olsztyn participated in projects carried out in cooperation with Perugia in the field of education (Institute of Landscape Designing of the University of Warmia and Mazuria), agrotouristics and training in the territories of the former state collective farms. In the year 2001 Perugia was visited by councilmen of the region of Warmia, including representatives of the city of Olsztyn.
• In 2002 the Italian partners organised in Olsztyn a presentation of their region, which resulted in other joint projects.
• In the jubilee year 2003 the representatives of Perugia and San Gemini participated in the events celebrating the 650th anniversary of Olsztyn.
• In December 2004 the province of Perugia and poviats of Warmia signed a town twinning agreement. The Polish partners included the city of Olsztyn and poviat starosties of Olsztyn, Braniewo and Lidzbark Warmiński, located within the boundaries of historic Warmia. The agreement was aimed at cooperation thought to bring both sides social and economic benefits.
• In January 2006 the third venue of the Office of Perugia Province (apart from the ones in Brussels and Warsaw) was opened in the Olsztyn City Hall. It functioned as a centre of information, program exchanges and economic, cultural as well as tourist projects. One of its main aim was, however, economic cooperation. First contacts between potentially interested legal entities of Warmia and Perugia were established in November 2006.
• On 25 July 2006, on the day of the city’s birthday, an informative board on St James’s Route was revealed. The splendour to the occasion was added by the flagmen of Gubbio,agrouppromoting the dying tradition of flagshows.
• Since 2007, on the initiative of the Olsztyn Rekord, the youth from sister and other cities have had an opportunity to take part in volleyball tournaments. Apart from the Polish participants, the first mini-tournament was attended by the young sportsmen of Kaliningrad (Russia), Lutsk (Ukraine) and Perugia (Italy). A similar event, this time on regular volleyball fields, took place in 2008 and was attended by volleyball players of the partner cities of Perugia, Lutsk and Klaipeda.



Provincia de PerugiaPiazza Italia 1106100 
